Shipping & Email Info
When shipping any airsoft gun to us, include one mag and all parts. We do not need any BB, Battery, Gas or other items that may have come with the item.

Shop Address
1005 South Marietta Dr. Mahomet, IL 61853
Online Contact Info
LM Tactical
Shipping Instructions: When sending an AEG in for work, We prefer the AEG be packed in its Original box, and then packed in a shipping box. Please include 1 std cap mag and 1 battery for your AEG when shipping it to us.
You will need to call us or email us (BEFORE) you send your Airsoft weapon to us. Item's shipped, should have tracking and INS on them when shipped. We return the item via USPS, UPS and we provide tracking to you via email.
We prefer US Postal Service Priority Mail for shipping. BE SURE TO INSURE your package for a minimum cost of the weapon.
Also include a phone number, email so we may contact you. Also include a return shipping address.
All custom work must have 50% down on the cost of work. (Part Only) If the item is not paid for with in 30days without good reason given, the item will revert to LM Tactical. We understand that everyone has money problems or just problems, all we ask is that you talk with us so that we can make note that you will pay at a latter time. (NOT TO EXCEDED 120Days)
All other work done by LM Tactical will fall under the same conditions,( i.e. Upgrades, Sales of items, or any kind of deals made)
Items not picked up after 60days will be sold. This is to make up for the loss of shop time and value of any parts used or outside work done.