Welcome all; we begin a new year with new ideas and great hope. We're proud to now be in our 5th year of business building custom airsoft gun and upgrades. Thanks to all of you for helping us to make it to our 5th year. You are vary much our valued customers. I personally believe the primary reason for our success is our great customer service and our goal for customer satisfaction.
Customer satisfaction is our priority here at LM Tactical. That our custom gun's and upgrades are unequaled in service and quality from the parts we use to the quality of our work. That each time you take your gun out, you can count on the quality and it's reliably.
This is what sets our products apart from all others. Every gun is fully tested and all adjustments are made before it's shipped off to our customers.
Services and Products Here at LM Tactical, we offer the best upgrades and repair service through our experienced airsoft gunsmith. We use only the best upgrade parts from manufactures that including Systema and Classic Army. We perform most repair work on a quote-by-problem basis so please contact us at LM Tactical. Upgrades we can quote you a price by model, same with all custom work done.
Upgrade Service
We have In-house Tech to complete any upgrades or service on your Airsoft Weapons. Bench time is billed at $30.00 per hour with a 1 hour minimum. Unless cost is stated before hand. We offer repairs when possible on damaged AEG's, Springer, Gas as well.
Services and Products
Here at LM Tactical, we offer the best upgrades and repair service through our experienced airsoft gunsmith. We use only the best upgrade parts from manufactures that including Systema and Classic Army.
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Custom SR-16 M4 Urban Sniper Rifle